
Explore the various aspects of life, from the molecular level to ecosystems and species, and how these living organisms interact with their environment.

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  • Showing 1-10 of 261 results for search: All Subjects: Bioscience

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  1. Adipocyte

    An open access journal
    Basic, translational and clinical research on adipose tissue physiology and pathophysiology, related processes and links to hypertension and other conditions.
    Open Access
  2. All Life

    An open access journal
    Focuses on life science research contributing to achieving the goals of 'Zero Hunger,' 'Good Health and Well-being,' 'Life Below Water' and 'Life on Land.'
    Open Access
  3. Amyloid

    The Journal of Protein Folding Disorders Open Select: choose to publish open access
    Publishes articles on amyloid protein groups and associated disorders such as Alzheimer’s, fibrillogenesis, amyloidosis and cerebral amyloid angiopathy.
    Partial Access
  4. Animal Biotechnology

    An open access journal
    Publishes papers on the identification and manipulation of genes/gene products, stressing on applications in domesticated animals, including genome engineering.
    Partial Access