This research is the first study that explores the dimensionality of co-production using rich, text data and then corroborates the observations using established quantitative approaches. It develops a reliable and valid measurement scale for customer co-production (CCP) of services. Contextualized in three service settings (i.e., self-checkout, toy assembly, and meal assembly), a set of qualitative investigations helped arrive at a five-dimension 19-item scale, which was subjected to reliability, validity, and factor analyses in both exploratory and confirmatory fashions. The reliability and validity of the five CCP dimensions were corroborated using two further studies, one exploratory and the other confirmatory. Service managers can adapt the CCP scale to their specific operating context to obtain crucial readings of customer co-production.
Note. All numbers in %.
Note. The instrument directs the respondent to use these items to compare two versions of the same service on a 5-point likert scale with numbers 1 through 5 respectively representing a lot less, somewhat less, to the same extent, somewhat more, and a lot more. In this study, self check-out, toy assembly, and meal assembly were respectively compared against the employee-rendered check-out, buying stuffed toy in regular toy stores, and buying prepared meals in grocery stores.