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Journal overview

Gifted and Talented International (GTI) is an international, refereed journal publishing articles that significantly contribute to our understanding and promotion of giftedness, talent, and creativity in children, adolescents, and adults. Its purpose is to share current theory, research, and practice in gifted education with its audience of international educators, scholars, researchers, and parents.

GTI publishes original research, theoretical studies, systematic literature review papers or accounts of practice. Integrative literature reviews and theoretical pieces that appreciate empirical work are welcome. Topics include: development, personality and individual differences, affect and motivation, social behavior and cross-cultural issues in relation to giftedness, talent, and creativity; teacher education and professional development; curriculum development and implementation, research on instructional strategies, and school interventions, and evaluations of programs and services; twice-exceptionality; and counseling issues.

GTI is published twice a year.

Peer Review Policy: GTI uses a double-anonymized peer review process based on initial editor screening.

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