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Journal overview

Research in Mathematics Education is an international English language journal, publishing original refereed articles on all aspects of mathematics education. Papers should address the central issues in terms which are of relevance across educational systems and informed by wider thinking in the field. The journal has three sections, covering research papers, book reviews, and current reports.

The Research Papers section contains reports of studies involving empirical investigation and theoretical argumentation from which conclusions and implications can be drawn for future research and practice. Such reports are expected to show how the study builds on critical review of relevant literature and to provide an account of the methods and procedures used. Reports on thoughtful replications or variations of key earlier studies are welcome, as are critical reviews of some well-defined aspect of mathematics education. The journal welcomes high-quality research in any methodological tradition and is open to innovative and unusual approaches. All submissions are peer-reviewed.

The Current Reports section contains short summaries of research papers which have been recently published in the online informal proceedings of the meetings of BSRLM.

The Book Reviews section contains reviews of recent publications in the field. While reviews may focus on individual works, they may examine several recent publications on cognate topics. In this spirit too, reviewers are encouraged to make explicit reference to relevant earlier work in the field and to other contemporary work, clearly locating the new text within the literature of the field, and providing thoughtful comparison.

Research in Mathematics Education is the official journal of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics.

Peer Review Policy:
All research articles published in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.

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Cover image for Research in Mathematics Education, Volume 26, Issue 2
Volume 26, Issue 2, 2024

Mathematical connections in the teaching and learning of mathematics; Guest Editor Names: Carol Murphy, Vesife Hatisaru, Helen Chick