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Journal overview

Professional Development in Education is a fully refereed international journal that publishes original contributions on professional learning and development (PLD) in its widest sense. The field of PLD has developed and changed over recent years, and so too has Professional Development in Education. Growing from its roots in 1974 as a British journal talking about 'in-service education' in schools, it has become a highly-regarded international journal focusing on professional learning and development in and beyond school education across the globe.

The journal aims to push thinking in the field in a more critical and diverse way, and we welcome both empirical and conceptual articles that can add something new to the literature on PLD across a wide range of professions. In particular, we are interested in receiving articles which:

  • offer new ways of theorising PLD;
  • ask challenging questions about current research and practice, and the assumptions underpinning them;
  • offer critical and analytical perspectives on PLD policy and governance;
  • interrogate the structure which allow the reproduction of inappropriate, unjust or ineffective PLD practices;
  • offer new ways of understanding how PLD can improve both educators', and ultimately also their learners', lives for the better

Our strapline is 'more than a journal', and the Editorial Board seeks to enact this through active engagement in PLD networks, supporting and organising symposia and events, encouraging dialogue with eminent scholars of PLD and contributing in an active way to the mentoring and development of new scholars in the field.

We invite contributions to the journal which will enable us to fulfil and go beyond these aims.

Peer Review Policy:

All research articles appearing in this journal have undergone a rigorous anonymized peer review system carried out by experienced reviewers overseen by members of the editorial board.

Read full aims and scope

Latest issues

Current issue

Cover image for Professional Development in Education, Volume 51, Issue 1
Volume 51, Issue 1, 2025

Latin American and Caribbean perspectives on professional learning research, policy and practice; Guest Editors: Christopher Chapman and Carmen Montecinos

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