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Journal overview

The aims of CoDesign are:

· to report new research and scholarship into principles, procedures and techniques relevant to collaboration in design or that relate to its theoretical underpinnings;

- to act as an international forum for sharing findings from research into issues relating to collaborative design;

· to encourage a flow of information across the boundaries of the disciplines contributing to research into design collaboration, its contexts and consequences;

· to stimulate ideas and promote discussion in support of the creation of new knowledge and understanding about collaborative design.

CoDesign is inclusive, encompassing collaborative, co-operative, participatory, socio-technical and community design. Research in any design domain that presents findings concerned specifically with collaboration elements is of relevance to the Journal.

Research papers that present theory, report empirical studies, and describe and evaluate collaborative and participatory design methods, tools and techniques are welcomed provided they clearly present a new contribution to our current understanding. Papers reflecting on practical experience of collaborative design are also welcomed with the same proviso. Topics may include collaborative design theory; collaborative design methods, techniques and tools; methods for studying collaborative design; studies of collaborative design; innovations in technology to support collaboration in design; managing or enabling collaborative design; handling of design issues (e.g. resilience, inclusivity, competing or incommensurate stakeholder values, conflicting expectations or requirements, contention over resources or power inequalities).

All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double anonymized and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.

Authors may choose to publish gold open access in this journal.

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