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Journal overview

Nucleus  is a fully open access peer-reviewed journal, providing a platform to publish cutting-edge research on all aspects of cell biology and nucleus structure.

The journal aims to bring together a multidisciplinary community of scientists, covering the following topics of interest:

  • Nuclear structure and dynamics
  • 3D and 4D genomics
  • Subnuclear organelles
  • Chromatin organization
  • Nuclear transport
  • DNA replication and DNA damage repair  
  • Gene expression and RNA processing  
  • Nucleus in signaling and development
  • Nuclear proteomics, lipidomics and metabolomics
  • Nuclear mechanics and biophysics
  • Omics analyses of nuclear functions (will only be considered if the study provides novel insight into nuclear processes and functions)

Nucleus accepts the following article types: Original Research, Short Reports, Reviews, Commentaries, Extra Views, and Methods Manuscripts.

Nucleus is an Open Access international journal publishing high-quality, original research. The journal operates a single-anonymized peer review policy.

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