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Bioanalysis is a subscription-based peer-reviewed journal covering the techniques and methods used for the detection or quantitative study of analytes in human or animal biological samples. Bioanalysis encourages the submission of articles describing forward-looking applications, including biosensors, microfluidics, miniaturized analytical devices, and new hyphenated and multi-dimensional techniques.
Bioanalysis is a progressive discipline for which the future holds many exciting opportunities to further reduce sample volumes, analysis cost and environmental impact, as well as to improve sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, efficiency, assay throughput, data quality, data handling and processing.
The journal’s audience includes those working on the bioanalysis of drugs, metabolites and endogenous substances in biological matrices. This is, primarily, bioanalysts working in pharmaceutical research and development in industry and academia, clinical laboratories, clinical toxicologists, forensic toxicologists and sports doping analysts. The articles will also have wide appeal to analytical chemists, pharmacologists, clinical chemists, and those involved with metabolomics studies.
Journal coverage includes key areas such as:
- Analyte extraction and sample preparation, including microsampling
- Chromatography and separation sciences
- MS, NMR and other key detection methods, including ligand binding assays
- Drug and metabolite assays
- Biomarker assays, diagnostic assays and test kits
- Method development and validation approaches
- Innovative bioanalytical methods and new instrumentation and equipment
- Laboratory automation and efficiency
- Regulatory and compliance issues
- Data processing and management
The Journal has a special interest in sophisticated techniques linking sample preparation and advanced separations with MS and NMR detection systems, automation and robotics. Standards set by regulatory bodies regarding method development and validation increasingly define the boundaries between speed and quality.
The journal welcomes for consideration the following: Article Commentary, Bioanalytical Challenge, Editorial, Letter to the Editor, Meeting Report, Meta-analysis, Method, Perspective, Plain Language Summary of Publication, Research Article, Review, White Paper. All articles received by the journal will be subject to double-anonymous peer review.
Please note that this journal does not publish original research without in vivo work.
Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.
Please read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.
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