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Business History is an international journal concerned with how businesses, organizations, and their environment develop over time, and how this influences contemporary organizations. It publishes interdisciplinary articles that contribute new insights into the past activities of organizations and their major stakeholders. Research in business history makes (1) empirical contributions by presenting new historical sources, which may be archival, visual or material, as well as oral history; (2) historiographic contributions, by engaging with research controversies in the field of business history, building new conceptual frameworks for understanding business or organizational activity in the past; or challenge existing conceptual frameworks that have shaped our understanding of the past; (3) theoretical contributions by using historical research to contribute to relevant social science and organizational theories by drawing on the past as an empirical setting. Business History continues to widen and deepen its international scope by promoting research on under-researched regions, time periods and topics.
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All research articles in this journal are rigorously peer reviewed, based on initial editor screening and anonymized reviewing by at least two referees.
Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.
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