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Journal overview

Oxford Development Studies is a peer-reviewed journal that provides a forum for rigorous and critical analysis of the processes of social, political, and economic change that characterise development.

ODS publishes articles grounded in one or more regions of the world as well as comparative studies. Our intellectual approach is open to work that is interdisciplinary or rooted in a single discipline, such as politics, anthropology, sociology, economics, geography, or history; however, we are committed to the idea that the journal should be relevant and accessible to a readership drawn from across the social sciences. The journal provides an outlet for contributions to development theory and for original empirical analyses, both quantitative and qualitative, as well as mixed methods.

In view of asymmetries in knowledge production and circulation in development studies, the journal seeks to include high-quality research from the perspective of those traditionally marginalised in academic publications. In particular, we aim to expand the range of articles by authors from the Global South.

Oxford Development Studies ( ODS) se complace en anunciar un nuevo proyecto piloto para revisar y publicar artículos enviados a la revista en español. El proyecto tiene como objetivo dar acceso a ODS a los autores que escriben en español, en las disversas regiones del mundo. Una vez que un artículo pasa por el proceso de revisión y es aceptado, la revista lo traducirá al inglés sin costo alguno para el autor y lo publicará en inglés.

Oxford Development Studies ( ODS) is glad to announce a new pilot project for reviewing and publishing papers submitted to the journal in Spanish. The project aims to open up the ODS platform to authors writing in the Spanish language, across all regions. Once a paper moves through the review process and is accepted, it will be translated into English by the journal at no cost to the author and published in English.

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